Monday, September 03, 2007

F-22 Supermanouverability

Me and lots of others went down to Lake Ontario to enjoy the Canadian National Air Show today. The highlight was the amazing F22 Raptor - the newest fighter jet out of America. In fact, this is the first time the Raptor has flown outside of the USA. This video (not shot by me) captures some of the stunning maneuverability of the plane.


  1. That reminds me a lot of my pre-adolescent years watching Top Gun over and over again!

  2. What about the amazing JLF-81?
    Well, that one was made in Canada (presumably).

  3. Actually, I believe you are referring to the JLF-18, if I am not mistaken.


    The whole project was a waste.

  4. I think it has been referred to as the JLF-81 Julian. (Your fighter-jet nephew?)


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