Friday, August 03, 2007

Survivor 2007

In case you would like a glimpse into our very laid-back, relaxing summer vacations...


  1. Thoughts about family time during summer vacations:

    The greatest thing about holidays is spending time with family - the worst thing about holidays is, well, spending time with family.

    You can pick your friends but you're stuck with your relatives.

    My wife cannot help being related to her family. I, on the other hand, chose them (but she is worth the woes of being related to some of them).

    "Love your neighbour" includes your brother-in-law.

    There's a reason that the first principle regarding marriage mentioned in the Bible has to do with getting your wife away from your folks.

    The most important principle of all for me to remember - my family has to put up with me more than I do with them.

    Sorry Kerux - I'm on holiday right now. I have far too much time on my hands.

  2. Ewwww I can't believe she was proud of barfing LOL


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